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August 2022 Meeting Minutes


MEETING OF August 22, 2022


7:30 P.M.


I. Welcome – Pledge of Allegiance.

II. Treasurer’s Report by Erin Zirpolo was given. The balance in the Federation account is $8,523. Receipts are starting to come in for Swing. Checks are being sent c/o the President or payment is being made on Act Blue. The Federation will be investigating Venmo to get an account as a Non-Profit.

III. By-Laws Revision Presentation – Daria Ludas. The revised By-Laws will be held to a future meeting where a quorum is present. All should have received the copy in June. Reach out to Daria if you need a copy. Revisions were made to the Bylaws to be more in line with the State Federation By-Laws. D. Venezia identifying provisions that were edited regarding resignation of a board member and vacancies in the board. Maria Tomaro questioned the member in good standing definition. L. Massa proposing that the member in good standing should attend three meetings per year. D. Venezia proposing three meetings and/or events during the year. D. Ludas highlighted that there is a need for the members to be involved and included in events. L. Miceli proposed a reducing quorum requirement. B. Moskowitz asked if the delay in adopting the by-laws will result in a delay in the submission of applications for Board members. Further discussion of voting by proxy, or email vote, if in the future it needs to include that type of language. Concerns raised about things going on indefinitely without having the ability to vote on the bylaws, and the possibility of including vote by email or vote by proxy as an acceptable means to modify the by-laws. B. Moskowitz proposed active vs. voting members of the Federation. Linda Massa suggested that voting via email or proxy or in person, whichever way they member would still need to have good standing to vote. D. Venezia stated that by-law amendments need to be approved in accordance with current requirements. She also stated that the delay will not affect the election of new officers as the current officers’ terms are through 2023.

IV. Calendar/Upcoming Events. “Swing by the Brown Stone” – Tuesday, September 20th at The Brown Stone, Metuchen, 5:00 PM- 9:00 PM. D. Venezia asks all to spread the word on the event to encourage attendance. B. Moskowitz confirmed that there is another event listed on the MCDO calendar, but it is not the Young Dems event from the County. Invitations have been sent to the candidates for the event, as well as to the municipal chairs. G. DiPane plans on coming, for herself and another are running for the board of education, with meet the candidates set for the same day in Monroe Township. Get the Word out! There is a month to purchase tickets and get attendees. Tentative Date for Holiday Party – Thursday, December 8, Ristorante Venezia, Woodbridge. Please mark your calendar. The Federation proposes to hold the toiletry drive for Dina’s Dwelling in New Brunswick.

V. Social Media Update – L. Miceli. Share the Posts! Going to be looking into updating the website for appearance and make user friendly.

VI. Comments/ New Business, Open Floor for Comments, Suggestions for future meeting topics/speakers. Nothing Proposed at this time. Discussion about in person and via zoom hybrid participation in meetings.

VII. Next Meeting – October 24, 2022.

VIII. Adjournment of the meeting.

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