I. President’s Greeting
Pledge of Allegiance
II. MCDO Info:
MCDO looking for politically active people to help GOTV “Family and Friends Program”
Focusing on Sayerville and Monroe
Volunteers mark who they know to help MCDO target voters with phone calls and door knocking.
Purpose: People more likely to respond to people they know when receiving a call or knock.
Looking for volunteers in general to help with phone-banking and door knocking
III. Executive Team
Treasurer's Report - Current Funds
Current Balance: $3091.81
We are accepting dues for 2020!
$600 worth of tickets waiting to be deposited
Communication Chair - Update
Will fix broken link on website
Send events or volunteer opportunites to info@mcfdw.org
News Flash has been reformatted to put MCFDW events at the top
Volunteers needed to help set up and help clean up the event
Sign in to donate supplies needed for the event
Be a part of the committee to review and determine who is on our executive board come January. Sign up today
Resumes need to be sent to the nominating committee by noon on October 15.
V. MCFDW Events and meetings
Swing by the Barn, October 10th, Bakers Barn, 93 Church Lane, East Brunswick, NJ. 6:00 PM - 9:00 PM
VI. Upcoming Meetings/Events - 4th Wednesday of each month Next meeting October 23rd
● Sat Sep 28, 2019, 10am - 3pm Monroe Green Fair
Where: Monroe Township High School, 200 Schoolhouse Rd, Monroe Township
● Sat Sep 28, 2019, 2pam - 5pm Monroe Day of Action
Where: 337 Applegarth Rd, Monroe Township
● Wed Oct 2, 2019, 6pm - 10pm East Brunswick Mayor's Charity Gala
Where: Park Chateau Estate and Gardens, 678 Cranbury Rd, East Brunswick
● Thu Oct 10, 2019, 6pm - 8:30pm MCFDW Swing by the Barn
Where: Mike Baker's Farm, 93 Church Lane, East Brunswick
● Fri Oct 18, 2019, 7pm - 9pm The Ronald G Rios Charity Trust Fund Dinner Dance
Where: The Pines Manor 2085 Lincoln Hwy Edison
● Wed Oct 23, 2019, 7pm - 8:30pm Middlesex County Federation of Democratic Women Meeting
Where: 266 Fernwood Ave Edison
● Tue Oct 29, 2019 - Last Day to apply for a VBM Ballot by 3PM at County Clerk's Office
● Tue Nov 5, 2019 - General Election Day!